A Closer Look at the Entrepreneurial Journey Introduction Starting and running a business is a challenging and often unpredictable journey. As an entrepreneur, you may find […]
This mindset helps us understand how our emotions evolve over time when faced with change. The Emotional Cycle of Change concept was explained by two psychologists, […]
This is a useful mindset for when dealing with conflict, or performance issues. This can easily be used with both team members and clients alike. The […]
The productivity pyramid is a great mindset for all small and micro business owners. It encourages better leverage in our business and enables us to work […]
This business concept helps understand the difference between profit and cash, and how a return on investment is obtained. First off, business owners usually set up […]
This concept is a magical formula that helps us understand how we can obtain results in the most effective way.Generally, our goals come about as a […]