Mindset: The Happiness Pie
10th March 2022Planning for Success
14th April 2022This concept is a magical formula that helps us understand how we can obtain results in the most effective way.
Generally, our goals come about as a result of a decision-making process – a Business Plan, Succession Plan or even just a meeting with the team.
As part of this decision-making process, we then need to identify the actions required to achieve the desired results.
And, as with sports teams and athletes, someone to hold you to account will be the most effective way to ensure the decisions and actions provide the best results.
And thus we have the Formula for Results:
That is to say, that yes, we can get results simply by setting goals, but we will achieve greater results more efficiently, with an Action Plan and Accountability.
If you’d like to discuss how we can hold you accountable to your goals, please get in touch. For existing clients, you can use our Quick Query service. For future clients, please book in a Discovery Call.
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