Sole Trader: Most of our sole traders use Coconut. this is a fantastic tool that can connect to both personal and business bank accounts, enable you to link receipts to bank transactions, and also raise sales invoices. If you have rental properties or multiple sole trader businesses, you can add each of them separately, so you can keep an eye on all elements of your business.
Some of our sole traders prefer to use our other combination of Xero and Dext, whilst some are required to use this due to payroll or VAT requirements.
All our sole trader software is compatible for MTD when it eventually comes around.
1st July 2019

Why do you bill monthly?

At Seed Accounting, we believe that monthly billing helps keep our clients’ cashflow steady, with no surprise bills at the end of the year. In addition, […]
7th April 2016

How are our fees generated?

We utilise a revolutionary pricing tool designed especially for accountants, called GoProposal. We have it configured to suit our business and our clients. This tool enables […]